Store App With Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Kubernetes and AWS

A practical sample store, built with spring frameworks, kubernetes and deployed on AWS. This is an advanced part based on my previous project demo-microservices in which I am focusing on security concerns, resiliency, observability and deployment improvements.


JavaSpring BootDistributed SystemsPostgresRabbitMQKubernetesDockerAWS



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Demoing microservices architecture in spring ecosystem with simple e-commerce application

This repo contains demo about how to build simple ecommerce microservices app from scratch step by step based on spring boot (spring cloud, spring cloud gateway, spring data JPA, spring web, ...), deployed on Kubernetes and AWS using EKS. The app composed of 5 microservices [customer - product - order - payment - notification] communicating with each other using REST API (+ Open Feign) and messaging system (RabbitMQ).

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